Press coverage
Opportunity Green has been featured in a range of publications, radio shows and podcasts, including BBC Radio 4, the Financial Times, the Guardian, the Irish Independent, TradeWinds and Climate Home News.
Scroll down to see our recent press coverage in full.
Press coverage highlights
Press coverage archive
A profile piece about our CEO, Aoife O’Leary, and her journey to founding Opportunity Green.
Opportunity Green is mentioned in this article after they signed a petition urging the EU to exclude fossil fuel-driven ships and planes from its sustainable investment list.
Our CEO, Aoife O’Leary is quoted on the next crucial negociations at the IMO.
Our CEO, Aoife O’Leary is quoted on the need for countries to stay strong on ambition at the next crucial negotiations at the IMO.
Our Policy Officers, Nuala Doyle and Blánaid Sheeran, as well as our Legal Manager, Kirsty Mitchell are quoted in the February/March issue of the survey 2025.
Our CEO, Aoife O’Leary comments on the Seventh Carbon Budget from the Climate Change Committee.
26 February: Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
Our CEO, Aoife O’Leary and our Policy Officer, Nuala Doyle comment on the Seventh Carbon Budget from the Climate Change Committee.
Our CEO, Aoife O’Leary is mentioned in this coverage on adopting a carbon levy on international shipping emissions.
Our Policy Officer for Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran, is quoted in this coverage about ISWG-GHG 18.
Our Policy Officer for Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran, is quoted in this coverage about ISWG-GHG 18.
Our Policy Officer for Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran, is mentioned in this coverage about ISWG-GHG 18.
Our Policy Officer for Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran, is quoted in this coverage about ISWG-GHG 18.
Our Policy Officer for Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran, is quoted in this coverage about ISWG-GHG 18.
Our Policy Officer for Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran, is quoted in this coverage about adopting a shipping levy.
Our Policy Officer for Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran, is quoted in this coverage about adopting a shipping levy.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary is quoted in this coverage on Heathrow’s expansion plan.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary is quoted in this coverage of Heathrow airport’s expansion plan.
Our Senior Director of Economics, James Meadway, is quoted in this coverage of Heathrow airport’s expansion plan.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary is quoted in this coverage on the benefits of the four-day week.
Mention of OG’s complaints to the ASA, leading to MSC Cruises withdrawing its greenwashing ads.
Our joint report about aviation contrails with Small World Consulting sets the backdrop for Mike Berners-Lee’s opinion piece in the Financial Times.
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
Op-ed discussing our complaint to the ASA over MSC Cruises’ greenwashing ads, and their agreement to remove them.
19 December: Cyprus Shipping News
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
Our Legal Assistant Olivia Moyle interviewed for this climate wins round up.
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
18 December: Green Mobility Magazine
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
18 December: Forward Law Review
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
18 December: Hellenic Shipping News
Coverage of MSC Cruises withdrawing greenwashing ads following an ASA investigation as a result of OG’s complaints.
12 December: Forward Law Review
Our Legal Assistant Olivia Moyle is quoted in this coverage on the UK’s oral submission at the ICJ.
Our Legal Manager Kirsty Mitchell writes why the European steel major’s delayed green plans hinder climate action.
OG featured as a high-impact organisation in coverage of Giving Green’s top recommendations for climate philanthropy.
4 December: FORESIGHT Climate & Energy
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary discusses the climate finance opportunities from shipping and aviation levies on the Jolt podcast.
OG featured as a high-impact organisation in coverage of Giving Green’s top recommendations for climate philanthropy.
OG featured as a high-impact organisation in coverage of Giving Green’s top recommendations for climate philanthropy.
Our Legal Director David Kay’s op-ed explaining why there is no barrier under international law to taxing jet fuel.
13 November: Sustainable Views
Our Legal Officer Isabela Keuschnigg’s op-ed on why countries’ NDCs must include international aviation and shipping
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary speaks to Bunkerspot about how COP29 will affect International Maritime Organization negotiations on a shipping levy in 2025.
Our Legal Director, David Kay, interviewed about our legal challenge against the EU Commission.
OG mentioned in this report on shipping LNG.
Our Policy Officer, Climate Diplomacy, Blánaid Sheeran quoted in coverage of the latest IMO negotiations.
Our Senior Manager, Climate Diplomacy, Ana Laranjeira quoted in coverage of the latest IMO negotiations.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
30 August: Cyprus Shipping News
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
Our court filing against the EU Commission mentioned in this round up.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
29 August: International Comparative Legal Guide
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
Our legal challenge to the EU Commission over the taxonomy discussed in this podcast.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
28 August: Hellenic Shipping News
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
Coverage of our legal challenge against the EU Commission for labelling LNG green.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission’s decision to include polluting ships and planes in the Taxonomy.
Coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission in the FT Sustainable Views.
Report covering our court filing against the EU Commission for the EU Taxonomy.
Our Legal Director David Kay quoted in coverage of our court filing against the EU Commission for the EU Taxonomy.
Report covering our court filing against the EU Commission for the EU Taxonomy.
Report covering our court filing against the EU Commission for the EU Taxonomy.
Report covering our court filing against the EU Commission for the EU Taxonomy.
Legal Officer Isabela Keuschnigg discusses the impact of the ITLOS advisory opinion in this op-ed.
12 August: Central London Lawyer
Legal Officer Dominika Leitane discusses the buildings sector’s environmental impact in this op-ed.
12 August: Central London Lawyer
Legal Officer Isabela Keuschnigg discusses international law and marine pollution.
CEO Aoife O’Leary is quoted in this report on methane slip from LNG.
7 August: Katie Glass Substack
CEO Aoife O’Leary chats to Katie Glass about setting up OG and self-confidence at work.
OG CEO Aoife O’Leary’s op-ed on the four day week and why the UK government needs a clear line on work/life balance.
OG Legal Officer Isabela Keuschnigg’s op-ed on why scrubbers violate regulations on air pollution.
Opportunity Green mentioned in this report on Say No To LNG’s criticism of Maersk.
Our Legal Director David Kay is quoted discussing how the EU ETS ignores non-CO2 climate impacts from aviation.
Our Legal Director David Kay is quoted discussing how the EU ETS ignores non-CO2 climate impacts from aviation.
Our call for the government to support a North Atlantic Ocean ECA covered in Riviera.
OG’s analysis of the North Atlantic Ocean Emissions Control Area referenced in this report.
Our Policy Officer Blánaid Sheeran’s op-ed arguing why the UK government must support an Emissions Control Area in the North Atlantic Ocean.
OG’s analysis of the North Atlantic Ocean Emissions Control Area referenced in this report.
17 July: Hellenic Shipping News
Our Policy Officer, Blánaid Sheeran, quoted in this report on the North Atlantic Ocean Emissions Control Area.
OG’s analysis of the North Atlantic Ocean Emissions Control Area referenced in this report.
Coverage of our call for the UK government to support an Emissions Control Area in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Coverage of our call for the UK government to support an Emissions Control Area in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Our Legal Officer, Isabela Keuschnigg, quoted in this report on legal efforts to protect the oceans.
Our Legal Officer, Isabela Keuschnigg, quoted in this report on the ITLOS advisory opinion.
Our report ‘(Un)sustainable from ship to shore’ referenced in this report on shipping emissions.
Our open letter to companies operating the Sail & Rail scheme covered in Bunkerspot.
Interview with our Legal Officer, Isabela Keuschnigg on ITLOS’ impact on shipping.
Our Legal Director, David Kay, is quoted in Lloyds List’s coverage of the ITLOS tribunal.
22 May: Hellenic Shipping News
Our Legal Officer Isabela Keuschnigg quoted in coverage of the ITLOS Advisory Opinion.
Our Interim Legal Director David Kay quoted in coverage of the ITLOS Advisory Opinion.
We were featured in the Financial Times environmental newsletter’s coverage of the ITLOS Advisory Opinion.
OG mentioned in coverage of the ITLOS Advisory Opinion.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary comments on how OG is approaching DEI in this coverage for Women in Maritime Day.
Our work at the IMO covered in the Financial Times’ Sustainable Views.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary’s op-ed on the latest developments of the MARPOL convention at the IMO MEPC 81 meetings.
Discussion of the implications of our submission to the ICJ on international shipping.
Our submission to the ICJ around its Advisory Opinion on states’ obligations regarding climate change covered in Ship&Bunker.
Reporting on the implications of OG’s submission to the ICJ on international shipping.
OG mentioned in coverage of IMO MEPC81 talks around taxing international shipping emissions.
Coverage of our submission to the ICJ calling for international shipping and aviation to be considered in States’ NDCs.
Report on aviation news including coverage of OG’ submission to the ICJ.
Coverage of OG’s submission to the International Court of Justice calling for climate impacts from international shipping and aviation to be accounted for in states’ NDCs.
Discussion of the implications of our submission to the ICJ on international shipping.
Reporting on the recent legal victory against KLM and the implciations for international aviation of OG’s submission to the ICJ.
Coverage of OG’s submission to the International Court of Justice calling for climate impacts from international shipping and aviation to be accounted for in states’ NDCs.
Coverage of OG’s submission to the International Court of Justice calling for climate impacts from international shipping and aviation to be accounted for in states’ NDCs.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary is quoted speaking about potential tax revenue from a shipping emissions levy under discussion at the IMO.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary comments on the ongoing negotiations at the International Maritime Organization.
Our legal team’s stock take on climate litigation against shipping companies is referenced in this article on shipping decarbonisation.
11 March: Hellenic Shipping News
Our Senior International Shipping Policy Manager Ana Laranjeira comments on the March 2024 IMO negotiations.
Coverage of OG’s letter to the government calling to expand the Emissions Control Area in UK waters.
Opportunity Green wrote to the government calling for an expansion of the Emissions Control Area in UK waters.
Coverage of OG’s letter to the government calling to expand the Emissions Control Area in UK waters.
Opportunity Green along with 6 other NGOs wrote to the UK government calling for the expansion of the Emissions Control Area in UK waters.
Ana Laranjeira makes the case for a shipping levy ahead of the upcoming round of IMO negotiations.
'If aviation wants to go green, it can start with fairer taxes' says Our Project Assistant, Sabrina Khan-Dighe.
Aoife O’Leary’s op-ed on why shipping and aviation needs green hydrogen to decarbonise
Carly Hicks discusses our legal challenge to the EU taxonomy on the Green Seas podcast
23 January: Green Air Online
NGOs challenge labelling of new aircraft as green under changes to EU Taxonomy rules
16 January: Financial Times
Exclusive coverage of our EU Taxonomy Challenge in the FT’s Europe Express newsletter
16 January: Business Green
EU Taxonomy: Are low carbon aviation and maritime investments really 'green'?
16 January 2024: TradeWinds
LNG fuelling in crosshairs over ‘green label’ as EU faces legal pressure to set ‘gold standard’
16 January: Safety4Sea
Five NGOs urge the EU to rethink what is considered “green”
16 January: Bunkerspot
NGOs launch legal challenge over EU Taxonomy criteria
Our Shipping Manager Ana Laranjeira makes the case for an international shipping levy.
New report shows 95% of green maritime fuel projects in pre-final investment phase.
New report urges decarbonisation in the shipping industry.
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary comments on the prospects for green hydrogen and shipping at COP28.
Opportunity Green listed as a high-impact organisation for climate-donors.
November: Air Quality News Magazine
In-depth op-ed by our Chief Strategy & Impact Officer Carly Hicks: Cruise companies - stop fobbing us off with false pollution solutions
27 September: TradeWinds
Advertising complaints fuel debate over cruise’s LNG sustainability claims
26 September: Climate Home News
Op-ed by our Chief Strategy & Impact Officer Carly Hicks: ‘The cruise industry says LNG is a climate solution. It’s not’
26 September: Air Quality News
Opportunity Green take on cruise companies for greenwashing over use of LNG
26 September: Bunkerspot
Complaints to UK's advertising standards authority over cruise industry's promotion of fossil LNG as a green fuel
18 September: EU Observer
Op-ed by our Policy Officer, Nuala Doyle on the gaping green-hydrogen gap in EU policy
18 September: The Loadster
Shippers 'conned' by greenwashing: lies, damned lies, and logistics
15 September: TradeWinds podcast
Our Shipping Manager Ana Laranjeira discusses a carbon tax for shipping in the context of the Africa Climate Summit.
14 September: The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Shipping’s decarbonisation dilemma
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary discusses the need for more legislation when it comes to decarbonising the shipping sector
12 September: Arup
Green hydrogen is crucial for pathways to sustainable aviation and shipping, new report highlights
12 September: Hydrogen Central
SASHA: Green Hydrogen Policy is Vital for Zero Emissions
11 September: Bunkerspot
SASHA Coalition: "Without green hydrogen policy, shipping and aviation will never get to zero emissions'
11 September: H2 View
Lack of green hydrogen support risks shipping and aviation reaching zero emissions, new report claims
11 September: Green Mobility Magazine
Green Hydrogen Vital for Sustainable Aviation and Shipping: SASHA Report
11 September: Safety4Sea
SASHA: Green hydrogen policy is vital for zero emissions
8 September: Bunkerspot
Twenty countries sign Nairobi declaration, calling for carbon taxes to fund transport decarbonisation
7 September: ClimateWorks Foundation
Blog post: Can the maritime shipping industry get to net zero quickly enough?
3 September: Financial Times
Op-ed by our CEO Aoife O’Leary on why we’re wasting our precious supply of green hydrogen
20 July: Climate Home News
Dozens of oil & industry lobbyists attended secretive shipping emissions talks
20 July: Bunkerspot
Global: 'Important work to be done' ahead of next revision of IMO's GHG strategy, urges climate NGO
12 July: Irish Mirror
Ireland accused of not being 'brave enough' to tax Ryanair and Aer Lingus
12 July: Irish Examiner
European governments could reap €34bn more in aviation tax
12 July:
Aviation taxes: Transport NGO accuses Ireland of not being 'brave enough' to tax Ryanair and Aer Lingus
12 July: Schengenvisa
Ireland Lost Nearly 760 Million in Aviation Taxes Last Year
11 July: H2 View
Our CEO Aoife O’Leary writes the opening column, Fuelling shipping’s decarbonisation pathway, for H2 View’s Maritime Mobility issue
10 July:
MEPC 80: International Shipping Regulator Fails to Align with 1.5C Paris Agreement Temperature Goal
10 July: Institute of Export & International Trade
IMO sets out new plan for global shipping’s move to net zero emissions by 2050
10 July: Energy Monitor
IMO adopts revised plan to reduce emissions from international shipping
7 July: The Guardian
Shipping emissions levy delayed but goals for greenhouse gas cuts agreed
7 July: Carbon Pulse
IMO adopts more ambitious GHG targets for global shipping sector
7 July: CGTN Europe
A live TV interview with our CEO Aoife O’Leary on the goals set at the IMO negotiations
7 July: Canary Media
Cargo ships now have a net-zero goal — but critics say it’s not enough
7 July: Bunkerspot
MEPC 80: Climate NGOs 'deeply concerned' with MEPC 80's 'failure' to align with 1.5°C
7 July: Engine
MEPC 80: Consensus grows for net zero by 2050 at IMO – SASHA
6 July: American Journal of Transportation
NGO reaction: UN adopts tougher climate targets for global shipping industry
6 July: TradeWinds
IMO forges ‘wish and a prayer’ carbon deal as greens bemoan checkpoint targets
4 July: Bunkerspot
MEPC 80: Climate NGOs: First day of MEPC 80 'frustratingly slow' - but still 'cautiously hopeful'
2 July: Fathom World
Who’s making the decisions at MEPC?
1 July: Aronnax podcast
Our Legal Director Carly Hicks is interviewed on Opportunity Green’s submission to the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea
1 July: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland)
Shipping is dirty - and a possible source of money for climate protection
29 June: CNBC
A shipping emissions showdown stands in the way of one of the biggest climate deals of the decade
28 June: Climate Home News
US ‘still on the fence’ as nations debate global shipping emission tax
22 June: The Guardian
Climate impact of shipping under growing scrutiny ahead of key meeting
21 June: Climate Home News
Fossil fuels, planes, ships and shares – What will be taxed for climate funds?
21 June: Hellenic Shipping News
The Law of the Sea is clear: countries must act on shipping’s climate impact. Opportunity Green calls on international court to declare that shipping is violating international law on marine protection
20 June: Ecohustler
Crucial moment for shipping regulation as pollution deadline looms
20 June: Safety4Sea
NGO Opportunity Green turns to court for emissions regulation
20 June: Hellenic Shipping News
IMO climate meetings mark the final chance for shipping to keep 1.5 alive – but emission targets mean nothing unless the voices of the ‘silent majority’ are heard
20 June: Bunkerspot
Climate NGO calls on ITLOS to declare shipping is violating international law on marine protection
14 June 2023: Financial Times
France seeks to rally support for emissions levy on shipping.
16 June 2023: Safety4Sea - Career Paths column
Interview with our CEO Aoife O’Leary on how she got into the maritime industry and what inspires her work.
25 May: Climate Nexus on LinkedIn Pulse
Celebrating International Day for Women in Maritime: Making Waves Across the Globe
24 May 2023: Splash247
Shipping and aviation join forces to secure green hydrogen supplies
24 May 2023:
‘Green hydrogen should be prioritised in industries where it’s most needed,’ says new aviation and shipping climate action group
23 May 2023: TradeWinds
New aviation-shipping coalition to push for green hydrogen priority
23 May 2023: H2 View
SASHA Coalition launched to support green hydrogen in the aviation and shipping sectors
23 May 2023: Fuel Cell Works
SASHA Coalition launched to support green hydrogen in the aviation and shipping sectors
23 May 2023: Safety4Sea
New initiative aims to promote green hydrogen as fuel in maritime and aviation
25 April 2023: TradeWinds
Op-ed by our CEO Aoife O’Leary - The IMO would be reckless to ignore the full life cycle of fuels. This was also featured on the TradeWinds podcast.
27 April 2023: Hellenic Shipping News
New Report Shows IMO Does Have Legal Remit On Upstream Fuel Emissions
27 April: Safety4Sea
NGO Opportunity Green urges IMO to improve regulations on emissions
26 April 2023: Bunkerspot
'IMO can regulate upstream emissions,' argues NGO Opportunity Green
26 April 2023:
‘IMO can regulate upstream emissions,’ argues NGO Opportunity Green
28 March 2023: Climate Home News
Cop28 host UAE tried to weaken global shipping’s climate ambitionCop28 host UAE tried to weaken global shipping’s climate ambition
24 March, 2023:
Opportunity Green: ISGWG-GHG 14 shows ‘broad support for zero emissions’ but ‘we need to do more to keep 1.5 alive’
24 March 2023: Bunkerspot
Opportunity Green: ISWG-GHG 14 shows broad support for zero emissions but 'we need to do more to keep 1.5 alive'
24 March 2023: GCaptain
Growing support for zero-emission shipping target ahead of critical IMO meeting
18 March 2023: Financial Times
World’s biggest container groups defend bumper dividends
16 March 2023: Irish Mirror
St Patrick's Day 'emissions nightmare' as jet setting TDs rack up shocking carbon footprint
16 March 2023: Chatham House blog
Op-ed by our CEO Aoife O’Leary - The high seas treaty shows a future yet for multilateralism
15 March 2023: Bunkerspot
Shipping industry players and NGOs looking for signals of progress on IMO's GHG strategy at next week's intersessional working group
15 March 2023: Safety4Sea
NGO supports the GHG levy purposed at COP26
14 March 2023: Ship & Bunker
Green group backs global GHG levy for shipping
13 March 2023: TradeWinds
‘Window of opportunity’: Green group urges action ahead of key IMO meeting