Press releases

Opportunity Green regularly issues press releases to alert the media about our latest work tackling climate change in law, shipping, aviation and more.

Scroll down to see our recent press releases and an archive.

Press release archive

24 March: World’s 10 biggest public shipping companies top all time high profits of US$300bn in five years – but pay less than half average tax rate

New report Global shipping: mega profits, micro taxes show the extraordinary scale of the profits being made by leading shipping companies in the years since the pandemic.

18 December: MSC Cruises to remove liquefied natural gas adverts following ‘greenwashing’ complaint to UK advertising watchdog

Following a nine-month investigation by the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority, MSC Cruises withdraws fossil LNG ads and commits to being clear in future environmental claims.

12 November, 2024: New legal analysis clears the air on widespread myths about the legal obstacles to taxing aviation fuels

There are fewer legal obstacles to taxing aviation fuel than commonly thought and the decision not to tax aviation fuel is more likely a political one, rather than a legal one. 

23 September, 2024: IMO climate talks must advance on the details on shipping’s pricing mechanism and how to disburse its revenues fairly

It’s important to get clarity on how the revenues generated by a pricing mechanism would be disbursed in a way that enables a just and equitable transition.

28 August, 2024: NGOs take the EU Commission to Court over flawed sustainable finance criteria that label polluting planes and ships as green 

Coalition argues against polluting fossil fuel planes and ships being included in the EU’s flagship sustainable finance legislation, the EU Taxonomy.

16 July, 2024: New government has evidence it needs to support a wider Emissions Control Area and reduce shipping’s air polluting emissions: now it must act

Recent research into the impact of an ECA in the North Atlantic Ocean confirms that there would be significant emissions reductions benefits if such an area were to be established.

4 June, 2024: Delay in issuing London to Dublin Sail & Rail tickets is causing extra costs to consumers and climate

Opportunity Green, along with Campaign for Better Transport, Transport & Environment, Aviation Environment Federation and Transport Action Network, are calling on train and ferry companies to restore the Sail & Rail service to its former glory.

21 May, 2024: Groundbreaking climate opinion from international court – States must go further to address GHG emissions
ITLOS advisory opinion clarifies that States must take “all necessary measures” to prevent, reduce and control greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from any source – simply participating in global efforts is not necessarily enough.

21 March 2024: States must do more to address climate impacts from IAS

Our latest submission asks the International Court of Justice to confirm that States must do more to address the substantive climate impacts from international aviation and shipping.

7 March 2024: No country can be left behind in shipping’s energy transition

Opportunity Green calls for countries to support an ambitious levy on shipping’s GHG emissions at the upcoming discussions at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 

5 March 2024: UK Emissions Control Area

We partner with seven other NGOs to call for the UK government to extend the Emissions Control Area (ECA) to all UK waters.

16 Jan 2024: EU Taxonomy Challenge

We partner with four other NGOs to launch a legal challenge against EU's bid to label fossil fuel planes and ships as green.

26 Sept 2023: ASA complaint on fossil LNG greenwashing

Opportunity Green files a complaint to the ASA about cruise companies’ greenwashing practices.

11 Sept 2023: Green Hydrogen Gap report

The SASHA Coalition, facilitated by OG, launches its flagship report on the need for green hydrogen to decarbonise aviation and shipping.

12 July 2023: Irish government lost out on close to 760 million in aviation taxes last year

We partner with Transport & Environment to release a report showing that Ireland’s aviation sector benefits from unjustified tax exemptions that, if left unaddressed, will rise in value by 25% in the next three years.

7 July 2023: International shipping regulator fails to align with 1.5°C Paris Agreement temperature goal

After two long weeks of discussions at the IMO, the progress made was insufficient to secure a 1.5°C goal for international shipping.

20 June 2023: The Law of the Sea is clear: countries must act on shipping’s climate impact

Opportunity Green calls on international court to declare that shipping is violating international law on marine protection.

19 June 2023: Ireland must tackle its soaring aviation and shipping emissions if it claims to be a ‘leader in addressing climate change’
Opportunity Green writes a letter to the Irish Government expressing concern at Ireland’s disregard for its international, EU and domestic climate commitments in respect of the aviation and shipping sectors. 

14 June 2023: IMO climate meetings mark the final chance for shipping to keep 1.5 alive
The shipping sector faces its biggest task yet at the upcoming discussions at the International Maritime Organization (IMO): to revise its GHG Strategy in line with a 1.5°C pathway – and do it in a way that leaves no country behind.

24 May 2023: Opportunity Green launches new Skies and Seas Hydrogen-fuels Accelerator Coalition
Green hydrogen should be prioritised in industries where it’s most needed, says new airline and shipping coalition

26 April 2023: IMO’s legal remit to regulate the full life cycle of fuels
The IMO must stop hiding behind the myth that it has no legal remit to regulate the full lifecycle of fuels – it does

24 March 2023: We need more from IMO to ‘keep 1.5 alive’
IMO Member States show broad support for zero emissions at the latest greenhouse gas working group meetings (ISWG-GHG 14) – but we need more to achieve an equitable transition that ‘keeps the 1.5 alive’.

15 March 2023: Irish multinationals fail to present credible plans to reduce corporate flying emissions
Opportunity Green is the Irish partner in the global TravelSmart Campaign, calling on Irish companies to set meaningful targets for their business flying.

13 March 2023: IMO needs to work harder to level the playing field and ensure climate vulnerable countries aren’t left behind
The IMO’s revised GHG targets must align with a 1.5°C pathway and support a fair and equitable transition.