Press coverage round-up of our call on the IMO to adopt a fair and equitable transition 

Press Coverage

Our press release stating that the IMO needs to work harder to level the playing field and ensure climate vulnerable countries aren’t left behind in shipping’s energy transition was picked up across the shipping trade news.

Here’s a round-up of coverage.

Trade Winds

“Opportunity Green has joined the chorus of environmental groups that are urging the International Maritime Organization to not only commit to setting a 2050 target for shipping that keeps it in line with the Paris Agreement, but also to adopt new milestones in 2030 and 2040.”

Read the full article on TradeWinds website.

Ship & Bunker

“Opportunity Green, a non-governmental organisation that lobbies for the interests of the least-developed states, supports a global levy for shipping to ameliorate the impact of climate change.”

Read the full article on the Ship & Bunker website.


“Ahead of the 14th gathering of the intersessional working group on greenhouse gas emissions (ISWG-GHG 14) set to take place next week, climate action NGOs have told Bunkerspot that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has to ‘work harder’ to ensure that the revised GHG targets both ‘align with a 1.5°C pathway and support a fair and equitable transition’.”

Read the full article on the Bunkerspot website.


“NGO Opportunity Green supports a GHG levy with a starting price of $100/tonne of CO2 equivalent emissions to aid the International Maritime Organization’s emissions strategy.”

Read the full article on the Safety4Sea website.